Fall Quarter

September 23, 2024 - December 19, 2024


Note: As of 9/28 all classes are closed for online enrollment. If you are interested in starting mid-quarter, please email Elaena at streamlineswim.janesville@gmail.com to see if we can find you a spot.

Our Lessons

  • Our Group Lessons are tailored for swimmers age 3 and up, but generally through age 12. Lessons are $80/month.

    Available Class Times:

    Mondays: 6-6:30pm, 6:40-7:10pm, 7:20-7:50pm

    Tuesdays: 4-4:30pm, 4:40-5:10pm, 5:20-5:50pm, 6-6:30pm, 6:40-7:10pm, 7:20-7:50pm

    Wednesdays: 6-6:30pm, 6:40-7:10pm, 7:20-7:50pm

    Thursdays: 4-4:30pm, 4:40-5:10pm, 5:20-5:50pm, 6-6:30pm, 6:40-7:10pm, 7:20-7:50pm

    Saturdays (limited availability): 10-10:30am, 10:40-11:10am, 11:20-11:50am

  • Parent and Child lessons are the perfect starting place for a young one. This class is designed for those 6 months-2 years. A responsible person must be in the water with the swimmer.

    Through the use of songs, games, and rhymes children will begin learning water safety habits, and develop comfort and confidence in the water.

    Class will meet once per week. Available classes are Wednesdays from 6-6:30pm or Saturdays from 10-10:30am.

  • Private lessons are $50/half hour and Semi-Privates at $40/person/half hour. Rates may change for lessons during peak hours. To schedule a time please email streamlineswim.janesville@gmail.com to get started.

    If you already know how to swim but are looking for some extra coaching or just need some workouts, please email streamlineswim.janesville@gmail.com to get started.

  • Upon request we can instruct various American Red Cross courses such as,


    Lifeguard Instructor

    Water Safety Instructor


    CPR for the Professional Rescuer

    and many more!!!

    Email streamlineswim.janesville@gmail.com to see if we can teach the course you need.


Summer Quarter